By Raquel "Rocky" Herron, Fitness Manager
Happy 2017! I can't believe 2016 is over. Where did the time go? It's gets a little busy this time of year around Pearce, so the fitness staff has been busy getting programs together, checking in with clients, and preparing themselves for eager new faces ready to tackle New Year's goals. Yes, it's fitness resolution time again, and we're ready for the challenge! I'd like to offer a little advice if you don't mind, so you can ease into your fitness journey with confidence.
Realistic. It's a simple word that's often overlooked in goal setting. When setting goals, especially fitness goals, it's important to be realistic in your expectations. You will not look like a fitness model in four weeks or perform amazing feats of strength in 30 days. I'm blunt with you because I want you to understand dramatic results take time. Will you feel better in two weeks with consistent exercise? Yes. Will clothes start to fit better after four weeks of healthy eating and exercise? Yes! Will walking up the stairs be easier after a month of engaging in a smart cardiovascular program? Yes! Accomplishing small goals in the beginning adds up to big results over a longer period of time. Consistency and patience are key in reaching your fitness resolutions.
Remember that family we always heard about growing up; the one we're not supposed to keep up with? Runner's World has a great article out on this very subject in their latest issue. Basically, the article talked about starting your fitness journey from where YOU are in life, not your triathlete neighbor who's been training and eating healthy for ten years. It's so easy to try to compare ourselves to others in every arena, and fitness is no different. I've talked about this before, but I believe it's worth mentioning again. You have to be honest with yourself and accept the fact that maybe your fitness level is not where it was three years ago. Understand that comparing yourself to your fitness-crazed best friend who never misses a BODYATTACK™ class will only make you more frustrated. Even if you're a regular gym goer but you've taken some time off, don't expect to have the same strength or endurance levels. Take small steps and over time your fitness will improve and real change will happen. Trust me!
My final piece of advice is to embrace your new active and healthy lifestyle and know that if you want long lasting results, these goals have to become a permanent part of your lifestyle. We don't go on and off a diet, we commit to eating healthy. We don't decide to go to the gym for 12 weeks to fit into a bathing suit or tuxedo, we exercise for the rest of our lives for good health and a better quality of life. Incorporating daily activity can be challenging, but your life is worth it! Make your resolutions long lasting, permanent lifestyle changes and you'll reap the rewards!
I hope my words have been encouraging. I understand what it's like to start from scratch and rebuild fitness. The most important thing to realize is that we all have to start somewhere. Know that this fitness journey is for life. Enjoy it! If you need help or encouragement, the fitness staff at Pearce is always willing to help. We have amazing trainers and instructors who care about your fitness journey! Keep up the good fight and commit to a happy, healthy 2017. Happy New Year!
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