Friday, August 4, 2017

Fall Youth Volleyball League Registration Now Open

Registration for Pearce’s Fall Youth Volleyball league has begun and will continue until Friday, August 25. Volleyball is open to children in third through eighth grade. All games and practices will be held indoors at Pearce Community Center in Chillicothe. Practice will begin the week of August 28. The six-week series of Saturday games will be played September 9 through October 14.

An all player practice will be held on Saturday August 26th. Third through fifth grade teams will practice from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. Sixth through eighth grade teams will practice from 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. This practice will be led by Sports League Manager Gavin Sullivan. This will be every participant’s first practice. Coaches and players will be introduced to one another. Rules and expectations of the league will be presented; a variety of different practice drills will be conducted; and questions will be answered.

The League is designed to provide fun recreational volleyball practice and play during which participants will learn basic skills and rules of the game in a structured environment. Every child will play, regardless of their volleyball experience and skill. Two leagues will be available: third through fifth grade and sixth through eighth grade.

Pearce Foundation members pay only $33.75. Members pay $45, and the fee for non-members is $60. A $25 late fee will be applied for registrations after August 25.

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