Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Registration Begins for Kid's Summer Programs

Registration has now begun for 3 of our most popular kid's programs: Summer Camp, Extra Fun Specialty Camps, and Summer Bridge.

Summer Camp is an interactive program designed to provide children with a fun, supportive environment where they have an opportunity to enjoy activities and field trips; make good choices; develop responsibilities; and build lasting friendships. It is offered from 8 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday all summer long.

With Extra Fun Specialty Camps, you can choose the activity your child loves and let them spend one week learning, playing, exploring, and discovering more about their favorite area of interest. This year's camps include basketball, engineering, cooking, art, and bows, braids, and beautiful nails.

Summer Bridge will keep kid’s math and reading skills sharp and ready for the new school year. Summer Bridge meets once each week for 8 weeks.

Visit our website for all the details and register early. These programs will fill to capacity!

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