Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Overcoming Your Nutrition Challenges One Choice at a Time

Megan O'Reilly
AFPA Certified Nutritionist
Wellness Consultant
A couple of years ago when my children were very young, there seemed to be a daily echo in my house, or perhaps a broken record playing four simple words: MAKE A GOOD CHOICE. There were also variations to the theme, such as, "was that a good choice?" or "what would have been a better choice?" Of course, these seemingly simple questions were often followed by short "mom talks" aimed at my two children.

I wonder, what if, as adults, we had a similar internal dialog when it comes to our food choices? What if every time we sat down to eat a snack or a meal, we asked ourselves to "make a good choice?" Would it work? Would we naturally become the most healthy, energetic, and lean versions of ourselves?

The answer, as I see it, depends on three things. First, do we know what the right choice is? Who really knows how many calories their body needs? Who really knows how many servings of fruits, vegetables, grains, or proteins are recommended for their individual age, height, weight, and activity level?

Second, how motivated are we to make a healthy eating choice? For example, do we understand why it is important to choose a high fiber veggie snack over a bag of chips? Do we have enough driving force to change our "I want to eat healthy" into "I will eat healthy?" 

Finally, are we equipped to make a healthy choice? Have we surrounded ourselves with nutritious options? Or, are our current habits and lifestyle setting us up for unhealthy food choices?

The answers to these three questions are the foundation of Pearce's upcoming nutrition class. The class, titled Nutrition: Food Choices Matter, will meet each Thursday, 6:30-7:30 p.m., May 11 through June 15. We will first learn the facts regarding your individual dietary needs, using the USDA Nutritional Guidelines as our road map. Topics such as personal calorie goals, fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, dairy, fats, and even alcohol will be covered in depth.

However, we won't stop there. We can't stop with just the facts because we know knowledge alone is usually not sufficient enough to motivate change. We will discuss practical real life applications, such as how to make good choices when meal planning, meal prepping, shopping, cooking, eating out and more. 

Additionally, and equally important, we will recognize emotional eating and negative self-talk, and their role in our food choices, and methods to overcome them.

What sets this six week nutrition class apart from others you may have attended is its emphasis on engaging your internal motivation and self-accountability. In other words, a main goal of the class is to empower you to ACT on making some lasting changes, to see some lasting results. To do this, I will borrow methods from the widely-accepted technique of motivational interviewing. For example, each week, class members will ask some comparative and thought-provoking questions, such as how do my current choices compare to the recommended choices? If a change is recommended, how motivated am I to make different choices? Am I ready for a small change or a big change? Members will have the option to create weekly SMART goals, keeping their individual circumstances, preferences, and habits in

My teaching background and experience as both a personal trainer and nutritional counselor have helped me create an engaging and effective class structure. I have selected a variety of learning experiences outside of your typical lecture style class, such as active demonstrations, visuals, pod-casts, audio-clips, brain-storming sessions, clear tip-sheets, and more.

I would encourage anyone who has been thinking about eating healthier to take this class. Even if you have tried countless times before, this might be the time you are ready to turn your excuses into challenges, and turn your challenges into victories. You will be welcomed sincerely in this class, wherever you are at in your nutrition journey.

Class size is limited, so call Pearce today to ask about pricing and to reserve your spot. Both the Pearce Kids Club (ages 6 months to 7) and Exergame room (ages 7-15) are open during class hours, if childcare is needed. As a special incentive, we are offering the first three who sign up for the class and mention this article a free initial nutrition assessment/interview via phone or email. If you have any questions about the class or would like more information, please email me at moreilly@pearcecc.com.

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