Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What Your Cravings Really Mean...

If you crave:                  What you should eat instead:

Sweets                               FreshFruits- pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, kiwi, apples, etc.
Fruits are naturallysweet and provide fiber along with a wide range of vitamins and minerals thatwill keep you full and help protect you from disease.

Cheese                              RawWalnuts, Wild Salmon & Flax Oil
Are you crazy aboutcheese or milk? It is because you might be addicted to the amino acids that arefound in dairy products that works like opiates.

Red Meat                           Iron-RichBeans & Legumes, Figs & Dried Fruit
                                           Citrus,Red Peppers, Tomatoes & Berries
Cravings for red mealusually indicate an iron deficiency. Choose lean, red meal like beef or bisonas a source of iron.

Chocolate                          Dark Chocolate, Nuts, Seeds &Fish
Look for 70% orhigher cocoa content in dark chocolate. More cocoa means less sugar and is richin antioxidants and flavonoids.

Carbohydrates                  Fish,Nuts, Meat & Beans
(Breads)                             Lowcarbohydrate levels can lead to mood swings. Carbs raise feel –good hormonescalled serotonin, so we crave for carbs to boost our moods!

Carbonated Drinks           Cheese,Sesame & Broccoli
Craving a soda? You’reprobably actually craving calcium and carbonated drinks suck the calcium out ofyour bones

Salty Foods                       Fish
The Centers forDisease Control and Prevention recommends adults consume between 1,500 and2,400 mg of sodium daily. People who regularly consume more than therecommended amount increase their risk for developing hypertension and cardiovasculardisease.

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