Monday, April 4, 2016

April Member of the Month

April Member of the Month Cheryl Beddow is an x-ray and lab technician for UnityPointHer job frequently requires her to lift and manipulate large objects, including people, on and off of an x-ray platform. “Being a Pearce member allows me to work on my physical strength and mobility through the multiple activities offered,” says Cheryl. “I often see my patients at Pearce and enjoy that commonality with them. Participating at Pearce also allows me to burn off stress that the day may have brought.”

Cheryl was one of the original Pearce line dancers. She now uses that time to watch her grandchildren in their multiple sporting activities, but continues to participate in many group exercise classes.

Cheryl enjoys reading, exercising, and binge watching her favorite television series on cable and Netflix. With a retired husband, four children, and eight grandchildren, she stays very busy. 

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